
Showing posts from March, 2015


I don’t want to be a Christian writer if it means hitting backspace until I feel clean again. Until I’m tidy and safe and can fit easily inside of one of your boxes.  I don’t want to be a Christian writer if I have to pretend like I have my shit together, scratching out what I really feel and writing what I think your itching ears want to hear instead. I don't want to be a Christian writer if it means I can’t have doubts about this system--not the Who or the Why, but the way we go about following Him. I don't want to be a Christian writer if I have to spit out the same cliches, the same old words, the same tired traditions that no longer hold any significant meaning. (For example: Think you have your religious lexicon down? Try defining and explaining what "grace" means. Seriously, open up a Word document and type out your answer in 2 sentences or less. See how long it takes you. Then do the same thing for words like "love," "justification...